hdaf.se | uppdaterad: 2024-06-29
Bronsskulpturen Stannfågel är nu installerad på Röbäck Kyrkogård.
Tre nya bilder i Bronsgalleriet.
Invigning senare i sommar.
Brons │ Bronze
Ansikten │ Faces
Helfigur │ Figures
Teckningar │ Drawings
Om │ About
André Fischer
b. 1978
Sculptor based in Umeå, Sweden. Working with the subjects of being, life and human constitution. Seeking to portray the heart of the model I am working with.
Selected CV
2019-2021 Master of Fine Arts. Umeå University.
2016-2019 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Arts and Crafts with specialization in Metal Art. University of Gothenburg.
2003-2006 Film&TV Production, Swedish Polytechnic, Finland.
1998-2000 Umeå Art School.
1994-1997 Natural Science, Östra gymnasiet, Umeå.
Online: 2019-09-10
Copyright André Fischer